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High-efficiency filtration equipment reduces ammonia pollution indoors

High-efficiency filtration equipment reduces ammonia pollution indoors

Normally, ammonia is released from the walls, so the area of the main interior wall also has an impact on the ammonia content, and therefore the degree of ammonia pollution varies from structure to structure.
Therefore we need to understand the situation in the house first and arrange the treatment of pollution in a reasonable way according to the severity of the pollution and try not to use the room as a bedroom if it is more heavily polluted.

When the weather is fine you can open the windows more often to reduce the concentration of pollution.
Now there is also an air fresh air machine that can be used without affecting the indoor temperature, for indoor air purification, and it is also not affected by outdoor weather conditions.
When buying a house, you should not only look at the location, price, and structure but also pay attention to the indoor air environment of the house.
When it comes to renovation and construction, it is important to choose environmentally friendly construction materials that meet national standards from a health perspective to fundamentally reduce the chances of pollution.
In the face of indoor air pollution, if you rely on ventilation alone has not been able to remove, we need high-efficiency filter equipment to help us.
There are now a variety of air filters on the market, so how should we choose? Let's look at the basic uses, features, and structures to see what the different devices have to offer!

1、Primary air filter
Use: For primary filtration in ventilation air equipment or for primary filtration in fresh air systems.
Features: easy and simple to replace the filter media, and users can operate by themselves.

2、Medium efficiency air filter
Use: Ventilation and filtration systems in the fields of electronics, pharmaceuticals, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical industry, food, etc.
Features: High filtration efficiency, large dust capacity, and small footprint.

3、Activated carbon filter
Use: To remove odor, bacteria, viruses, and various pollutants from the air, generally suitable for filtration systems in places such as smoke, electronic factories, and food processing plants.
Features: developed microporous structure, with superb adsorption capacity, and good purification effect, but must be set before this pre-stage filtration.

4、Nylon mesh air filter
Use: For ventilation systems where air quality requirements are not very high.
Features: low resistance to operation, easy cleaning, and simple maintenance.

5、 High-efficiency air filter
Use: Clean air conditioning systems in various types of production, for clean environments with high requirements.
Features: high efficiency of filtration, low resistance.

6、 High-efficiency air filtration unit with fan
Use: Generally used in hospitals and other aseptic places and electronics, biology, pharmaceuticals, food, and other manufacturing industries.
Features: The clean effect can reach 10,000 or 100,000 levels, saving space for installation, and being suitable for local purification.