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High efficiency filter cleaning and leak detection standards

High efficiency filter cleaning and leak detection standards

The cleaning effect of high-efficiency filter

The high-efficiency filter adopts high-frequency vibration for cleaning dust, which will purge the larger dust particles entering the filter bag exterior, will not affect the fastness of fiber tangling and insist the filter bag has good peeling resistance.
In the dry, semi-dry desulphurization system, it has the role of further reducing the impurities contained in the flue gas.

High-efficiency filter leak detection standard

For high-efficiency filter leak detection, we should confirm the high-efficiency filter and the supporting static pressure box after installing the high-efficiency filter to see if the leakage is found to be within the specified agreed range.
If the HEPA filter is found to be acceptable, then we can ensure the safe operation of the clean room.
It is also important to make the distinction that there is a difference between leak detection after installation of the HEPA filter and the manufacturer's efficiency test.
The latter is simply a test of the efficiency and associated performance of the reverse osmosis filter, whereas the former is a leak test of a variety of factors during the installation process.

Filter leak testing process

In leak testing, we introduce aerosols from the upwind side of the HEPA filter and leak test the downwind side.
Leak testing is carried out on the reverse osmosis filter media, gaskets, and other areas of the HEPA filter to check for leaks.
If there is interference in the leak detection process, we can add an isolation hood to the air outlet and carry out the test inside the hood.
It is very important to note that the leak detection between the filter and the mounting frame can be carried out from both sides separately, but the interference of the wind and suction airflow should be eliminated.