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High blood pressure and air pollution
Hypertension which is also called high blood pressure, can cause healthy problems such as heart disease and stroke. If the blood pressure is too high, then the blood vessels, heart and other organs will get extra stain, which lead to serous damages of our body, and even lead to some serious illness. As a result of this, we have to try our best to prevent and control the high blood pressure in order to enjoy health. However, according to the new European research, it is said that the longer time people expose to the air pollution, the higher risk of hypertension will be. And according to the researchers at the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Vytautas Magnus University, it is said that exposure to particulate matter PM10 and fine particulate matter PM2.5 for a long time has a link with the development of high blood pressure and some components of metabolic syndrome, the air pollution is relative to the high blood pressure. That is really a bad news since the air pollution get worse and worse at the present, and we can not avoid to breath the polluted air. Then what can we do to protect our health.

Try our best to avoid the air polluted area to reduce the exposure. And keep a regular exercise to prevent and control the high blood pressure. Of course, a healthy diet is in need everyday, and avoid the alcohol as possible as you can which will be harmful to the high blood pressure. What is more, get a air purifier with a HEPA filter to improve the air quality indoor so that we can reduce the risk of the high blood pressure.