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Frequent problems and solutions for central air conditioning filtration equipment

Frequent problems and solutions for central air conditioning filtration equipment

The cost of the central air conditioning filtration system is relatively high if the problem arises in the use of timely repair if the replacement of equipment caused by the cost is very large, so we will take a look at the solution to the problem of central air conditioning filtration equipment today.

I. Large noise from fan coils in equipment


1. At present, the noise level of various types of fan coils used at home and abroad is generally relatively high, with only a small part of the lower;

2. This May be due to the installation position of the fan coil and the configuration of different ways, resulting in a certain difference in the size of the noise, according to the relevant detection found that when the fan coil opens at high speed, its noise field upper limit value of nc-45, the lower limit of nc-35; adjusted to a low speed is the upper limit value of nc-40, the lower limit value of nc-25.


1. In the design of the time by the level of indoor needs to choose the installation location of the fan coil, if the requirements are relatively high occasions, the installation of the fan coil can be done in the outlet of the anechoic treatment;

2. Use the indoor cooling storage to lower the room temperature to about 23 - 24°C during the day, so that even if the fan coil is switched off at night, the indoor temperature will not be too high.


1. The discharge pipe of condensate in the equipment should be set up near the corresponding pipe drainage to shorten the distance of horizontal drainage and reduce the problem of water collection and dripping due to the insufficient slope of the drainage pipe;

2. Set up the corresponding water collection tray under the manual and electric water valve on the fan coil and hot and cold water pipe receiver;

3. The design of the equipment must be left with an inspection port, and its location and size should be closely matched with the requirements of the building;

4. The return air outlet of the equipment must be installed with a filter to protect the cleanliness of the system;

5. Pay attention to the fan coil on the connection of the channel, should choose a high static pressure fan coil equipment;

6. Indicate the installation position of the water valve to avoid the problem of incorrect installation.

II. Noise of cooling water pipes and cooling towers

Reason: The general noise is related to the cooling tower's water pump, because the water pump will be noisy when running, and the water pipe's inhalation tube from the cooling tower in part of the air mixed into the water, so it will form bubbles in the pump pressure out section, resulting in vibration, noise.


1. Set up corresponding foundation vibration-damping facilities in the pump unit;

2. Install vibration isolation hoses on the suction pipe and discharge pipe of the pump;

3. Fill the corresponding parts with sound insulation and vibration-damping materials;

4. Slow down the flow of water in the pipes;

5. Reduce the sudden change of pipe diameter and bend phenomenon.