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Filtration mechanism of air filters

Filtration mechanism of air filters

I. Hitting - sticking

As we all know, the dust particles in the polluted air are doing the inertial movement with the airflow, or irregular movement, this movement will be subject to some kind of field force and keep moving, when the particles in motion hit the obstacle, the gravitational force on its surface will make it stick to the obstacle.

II. Fibre filter materials

Such materials can effectively intercept the dust particles in the air, but also do not form too much resistance to airflow, while the numerous barriers formed by the fibers to the particles can prevent pollution, but are allowed to pass through the airflow.

III. The principle of inertia

The larger particles in the air generally do inertial movement, if they encounter obstacles, they will go around, in which the larger the particles, the stronger the force of inertia, the greater the possibility of hitting the obstacles, and the better the natural filtration effect.

IV. Diffusion principle

The opposite of the above is that the smaller particles in the air generally do irregular movement, we can also call it diffusion theory, the smaller the relative particles, the more intense the irregular movement, the more chances of hitting the obstacle, thus the better the filtering effect.

V. Efficiency varies with the size of the dust particles

Combined with what we have said before, generally, less than 0.1μm particles are doing diffusion movement, the smaller the particle the higher the filtration efficiency; and more than 0.5μm particles are doing inertia movement, the larger the particle the higher the filtration efficiency.

VI. Resistance of operation

Due to the role of the fibers will make the airflow around, thus creating a small resistance, and the sum of the resistance of countless fibers will form the resistance to the filtration equipment. The resistance will increase with the airflow, at this time we can increase the effective filtration area of the filter material, and effectively reduce the air speed into the equipment, so that the resistance of filtration can be reduced.