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Filter media in air filtration equipment

Filter media in air filtration equipment

I. Classification of filter media for industrial applications

1. rigid filter media: usually refers to sintered metal mesh, powder sintered materials, porous ceramics, sintered porous plastic, glass filter media, etc.;

2. Loose filter media: diatomaceous earth, cellulose, sand, charcoal powder, and other media;

3. Metal filter media;

4. Non-metallic filter media: including cotton fabrics, woolen fabrics, synthetic fabrics, non-woven fiber fabrics, etc.;

5. Metal and non-metal mixed media.

II. Media filtration principle

The general characteristics of the filter media are required to meet the following requirements.

1. To ensure that the beginning of the filter particles can quickly form a "bridge" on the surface of the media, to ensure that fine particles will not be lost;

2. The pores of the filter media contain fewer particles and are not easily blocked;

3. The adsorbed filter cake can be easily removed;

4. Very easy to clean and regenerate.

III. Requirements for filter media

1. Must have high-quality filtration characteristics, such as low resistance, high precision, etc;

2. Good physical and mechanical properties, for example, to wear;

3. Good chemical stability when necessary, to resist corrosion, and high temperature;

4. The medium should be easy to clean, regenerate, and be safe and reliable to use.