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Features of medium-effect bag air filters

Features of medium-effect bag air filters

1. Medium-effect bag filter is used in the pre-filtration of laboratory purification and air-conditioning system, mainly filtering particles of dust ≥ 1 micron in the air;

2. The filtration efficiency of a medium-effect air filter bag is 60~95%@1~5μm (colorimetric method);

3. The outer frame is made of galvanized sheet, aluminum profile and adopts polypropylene fiber and glass fiber as filter material;

4. Compact structure, large filtration area, low resistance, high versatility, and easy installation.

Usage conditions of medium-effect bag filter: high temperature: 80°C, high humidity: ≤80%, slightly acidic and alkaline air filtration.

The bag filter in only 3 to 4 months for replacement, but also in the rated air volume under the conditions of use, a resistance of more than 400pa is the need for replacement, if the filter is to use washable filter media, replacement of the filter media, can be cleaned with water or a solution containing neutral detergent, dry, and then replace the recommended number of times not more than 2 times, if the use of the environment dust content is relatively large, the use cycle of the filter will also be reduced. If the dust content of the use environment is relatively large, the use cycle of the filter will also be reduced.