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FAQ about air filters
An air filter plays an important role in our life, it can help us to catch the dirty and keep the air pollutant away from the air and the equipment. Bur for some people who are new to the world of air filter, they may not understand what an air filter do clearly. Here in this article, we would like to talk about some air filters FAQ. Following is the detail for your reference, let's move on.

What will happen if we do not change the dirty air filter in time?
If we overlook the replacement of a dirty air filter, then there is going to be more and more dirty on the surface of the air filter, and the air filter can not filter out them very well any more, the indoor air quality will become worse and worse which are not good for our health. What is more, the dirty air will damage the air conditioner system and shorten its working life.

How often should we replace the air filters?
The time to replace the air filter is depending on the air quality indoor and the use of HVAC system. If you run the HVAC system nearly a whole day, then you should replace the air filter more frequently. If you keep pets in your house which will increase air pollutant indoor, then the air filters require frequent replacement.

Which size of air filter to choose?
Actually, too big or too small is not the best. We should choose a suitable and correct size one to fit the HVAC system, or the air filter can not filter out the dirty properly.