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Explaining the safe operation of air showers

Explaining the safe operation of air showers

1. According to the air shower room equipment point inspection requirements, before using the first check the tower liquid level, pressure and temperature of each pump motor and other equipment, control various hidden problems;

2. Before running to ensure that the oxygen content of the system is less than 2%, otherwise we must carry out the replacement of nitrogen, followed by the replacement of acetylene gas, all qualified before running;

3. When the purity of the crude acetylene gas in the system is greater than 98%, we need to open the valves and pumps to adjust the amount of circulation and replenishment;

4. In order to keep the equipment running effectively and safely, we need to strictly control the effective chlorine content;

5. Keep the concentration of sodium hydroxide in the equipment between 3% - 15%, sodium carbonate < 8%;

6. Reasonably control the temperature of acetylene gas entering the purification tower, which must be lower than 35℃; and the whole system should be leak-free and should be well protected against freezing in winter;

7. Every use should check the effect of the equipment, if there is a problem, we should conduct laboratory analysis in time to solve;

8. Strengthen the inspection of the equipment in the process of operation, and carefully write the operation and operation records;

9. If there is a problem with the operation of the equipment, the power supply should be cut off in time to keep the system always at positive pressure;

10. Staff should wear the relevant work clothes when entering the equipment according to the requirements.