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Exercises to strengthen the heart
According to the American Heart Association, it is said that heart disease is the one of the leading cause of death worldwide and kills millions of people per year. So it is necessary for us to strengthen the heart and keep it healthy and strong. Today we are going to talk about exercises to strengthen the heart, followings are the details.
The first one is walking which is a great way to strengthen the heart. As we know, walking is a simple and easy exercise which will get our heart rate up, we can do the walking at any time and in any places according to our need, it is better for us to walk after a meal or on the morning of the weekend.

The second one is yoga, which can be done inside the house. Yoga is a good exercise to strengthen and tone the muscles, what is more, it can help us to lower the blood pressure and get the heart rate up.

The third one is the cycling which not only strength the heart but also improve the mental health. What is more, we can elevate the heart rate by training the large muscles in the legs while we are cycling.

All in all, all of the above exercises are benefit to strengthen the heart. But remember not to do the exercises in a poor air quality, or your healthy will be threatened by the air pollutant. If you do the exercises outside the house, choose a place which is far away from the traffic and industries so that you can keep away from the air pollution from the heavy traffic and industries. If you do the exercises at home, just get an air purifier with a HEPA filter to improve the air quality indoor, so that we can enjoy yoga and do not worry to much about the air pollutant.