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Easy-to-replace and washable medium-efficiency filters

Easy-to-replace and washable medium-efficiency filters

1. The air conditioning medium-effect filter material generally adopts a metal frame, and flange structure, and selects high-performance synthetic fiber "V" type ultrasonic sewing, which has good airtightness and stability, and is not prone to breakage affecting the filtration efficiency in case of large air volume;

2. The medium-effect bag air filter media contains electrostatic fibers, which have a very good effect in capturing less than 1 micron in the air, with a large effective filtration area, large dust capacity, and long service life;

3. The medium-effect bag air filter can be made into multiple bag filters according to different requirements;

4. The medium-effect bag air filter is convenient and quick to replace the filter bag, which greatly reduces the cost of running costs and has a wide application rate;

5. The medium-effect bag air filter has high humidity resistance.

Air conditioning medium-effect filter material quality, resistance to the initial resistance of 1.5-2 times the need to replace the new filter material, generally 2-3 months to replace one, but the working environment of the dust production is large, the shorter the service life, may need to be replaced once a month. Cut off the power supply in time for each filter replacement to ensure the safety of the replacement, check whether there is any obvious hole on the surface of the filter bag after the filter is removed, and the filter can only be scrapped if there is obvious damage, and check whether it is tight when installing the spare filter, and there shall be no air leakage around the filter.

Replace the medium-effect filter bag to check whether it is intact, if it is intact, it can be cleaned, soaked in water, or cleaned with the manufacturer's recommended detergents, hand-patting shall not be rubbed, rinsed, and dried can. Air filters can only be cleaned twice, two times after the end of life, each time after cleaning the filtration efficiency is reduced by fifteen percent, if there is a high demand for a clean room is recommended to replace directly, not recommended cleaning, may affect the cleanliness of the clean room requirements.