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Do you know about the electrostatic effect of high-efficiency filters?

Do you know about the electrostatic effect of high-efficiency filters?

        First of all, you need to know the working principle of the high-efficiency filter: dust particles in the gas with the airflow for inertial motion, irregular Brownian motion, by the force of an occasion and move, the movement of microparticles and other objects collision, exist between objects
  Among them, the role of the filter layer of the high-efficiency filter to capture particles is mainly 5 kinds:
  1 . Interception effect has: particle size of the particle movement to the fiber surface near the fiber surface, the distance from its center line to the fiber surface is less than the radius of the particles, the rubbish particles are intercepted by the fibers of the filtration material accumulation.
  2 . Inertia effect: particles with large mass or speed, due to inertia collision and accumulation on the fiber surface. Greater than 0.3-micron particles mainly do inertial movement, the larger the particles, the higher the efficiency, large particles of dust will meet the arrangement of disordered fibers, and the airflow changes direction. Large particles of dust will meet the disorderly arrangement of the fiber, the airflow changes direction, the particles due to inertia and shift direction, and the fiber collision bonding. The larger the particle, the easier the collision, and the better the effect.
  3 . Diffusion effect: Brownian motion of small particle size is strong, and it is easy to hit the surface of the fiber. Small particles of dust for irregular Brownian motion. The smaller the particles, the more intense the irregular movement, and the more opportunities for collision with obstacles, with a filtering effect
  High-efficiency filter air particles smaller than 0.1 microns mainly Brownian motion, small particles, good filtration effect.
       4 . Dynamic effect: when particles pass through the fiber layer, they pile up on the fiber due to gravity settling. Particles through the fiber layer, due to gravity, produce a deviation from the airflow flow line displacement, settling on the surface of the fiber, but the role of only particle
  size (0.5um ) under the existence of this is the role of gravity of the microparticles is too small, not settled into the fiber with the airflow through the fiber layer. Therefore, particle size less than 0.5um particle filtration, and dynamic settlement can be completely ignored.
  5 . Electrostatic effect: fibers or particles can be charged, bow absorption | particles produce an electrostatic effect, dust to change the trajectory of the movement to hit the obstacles so that the particles are adsorbed on the surface of the fiber and bonding. Please note that the material with static electricity, no resistance change, and the filtration effect is significantly improved. However, the electrostatic force cannot be determined by the filtration effect but only plays a supporting role.
  This is because a highly efficient filter material needs to effectively cut off dust particles without affecting the airflow with excessive resistance. To achieve good filtration efficiency, the number of fibers in the filter medium has to be as high as possible, and to reduce the airflow resistance, glass fiber materials stand out as the main filtration material for high-efficiency filters as the fiber material is as fine as possible.