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Different classifications and characteristics of air filters

Different classifications and characteristics of air filters

According to the different filtration efficiency and use range, we can divide it into several different categories, so today we make a multifaceted and detailed introduction for you on this aspect of knowledge!

Here we first say that the current performance test method for air filters generally uses the atmospheric dust counting method, while high-efficiency filters use the DOP method, and according to these methods of detection, we have the following classification of air filters:

I. Primary air filter

1. It can be used in the filtration section of ventilation air treatment equipment and the primary filtration of the new air system.

2. The filter media can be replaced in use, and if the equipment is paper frame is disposable.

II. Medium-performance air filter

1. Used in the filtration of the ventilation system, in different fields such as electronics, pharmaceutical, machinery, metallurgy, petroleum, chemical, food, etc. can be used as general air purification equipment.

2. Medium filtration efficiency, large dust capacity, small footprint.

III. Activated carbon filter

1. Powerful adsorption effect, effective removal of odor, volatiles, bacteria, viruses, and various pollutants, mostly used in food processing plants and hospitals for odor treatment.

2. The microporous structure in the equipment is well developed, with high capacity, fast speed, and good effect of adsorption.

IV. Nylon mesh filter

1. Suitable for air conditioning systems with low air quality requirements, or as primary pre-filtration equipment for places with high dust.

2. The resistance of operation is small and easy to clean and maintain.

V. Sub-high efficiency air filter

1. Suitable for various clean projects and central air conditioning systems with special needs.

2. The efficiency of filtration is guaranteed, the resistance is low, and the dust capacity is large.

VI. High-efficiency air filter

1. The equipment is mostly used in clean air conditioning systems and environments with high clean requirements.

2. High filtration efficiency, low resistance, and no secondary pollution hazards.