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Differences and applications between clean sheds and clean rooms

Differences and applications between clean sheds and clean rooms

There are the following differences and their respective applications between clean sheds and clean rooms:
1. Structure and cost
- The structure of a clean shed is relatively simple, usually consisting of a frame, enclosure, fan filter unit, etc., with a low construction cost.
- A clean room is a completely enclosed space that requires complex building structures and decoration and has a high cost.
2. Construction difficulty
- Clean sheds are easy to install, can be quickly built and disassembled, and are relatively easy to renovate.
- The construction process of a clean room is complex, involving multiple links such as construction and pipeline laying, and the cycle is long.
3. Sealing
- The sealing of a clean shed is relatively weak, and it is more dependent on the surrounding environment.
- The cleanroom has strong sealing and can better control the environmental parameters in the room.
4. Cleanliness stability
- The cleanliness of a clean shed may be affected by external factors to a certain extent, and its stability is slightly inferior.
- The cleanliness of a clean room is more stable and can be maintained at a high level for a long time.
Clean shed:
1. Temporary or short-term places with high cleanliness requirements, such as short-term experiments in scientific research projects and temporary assembly lines in small electronics factories.
2. Places with limited space but requiring a local high cleanliness environment, such as specific operating areas in workshops.
3. Production links that are more sensitive to cost and do not require extremely high cleanliness, such as the assembly of some low-end and mid-range electronic products.
Clean room:
1. Large-scale, high-demand production and manufacturing, such as large-scale production of semiconductor chips.
2. Industries with extremely high requirements for cleanliness and environmental stability, such as aseptic production of biopharmaceuticals.
3. Places for long-term high-precision and high-quality production, such as the manufacture of aerospace parts.
For example, in an emerging medical device R&D company, due to limited funds and short R&D project cycles in the early stage, a clean shed was built in the laboratory for trial production of new products; while a mature large-scale pharmaceutical company built a high-standard clean room for large-scale production of drugs to ensure the quality and safety of drugs.