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Details of air filters

Details of air filters

1、Cartridge filter

The cost of this equipment can be chosen between medium and high, as its replacement cartridge is relatively expensive.
The high-precision cartridge ensures its filtration effect, which can even reach sub-micron precision.
But relatively speaking, its labor intensity is also relatively high, and the cartridge needs to be replaced frequently.

2、Centrifugal filter

This is a high-cost choice, this equipment is suitable for fully automatic operation, and the filtration effect is very good, in the process of operation can be a large number of, uninterrupted water intake, for the particle pollution below 75 microns has a good interception effect, the filter medium is more sensitive to the fluid.

3、Media filter

The filtration effect of this equipment is relatively good, and the filtration precision can reach 5 microns, but the footprint of the equipment is relatively large, the filter media needs to be replaced regularly, and the water consumption of backwashing is relatively large, and the time spent is relatively long.

4、Fully automatic mesh filter

The characteristic of this equipment is that it can achieve high-efficiency flushing, the water consumption of flushing is very little and the time is very fast, usually only 8 - 20 seconds, and it will not affect the mainstream filtration work when flushing.

5、Tangential mesh filter

It is a lower-cost option and can be adapted to fully automatic operation.
The size of the equipment is relatively small, but the disadvantage is that the backwashing efficiency is low and the intensity of work is relatively high.

6、Wall-mounted mesh filter

It is also a low-cost option, the installation and maintenance of the equipment are very simple, but the shortcoming is that the size is larger, and needs to be cleaned regularly, the filtration efficiency of the equipment is also relatively low, and can not be used under pressure.