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Details about the modular Clean Room
As we know, the modular cleanroom can be made of many materials such as the sheet rock or the flexible vinyl. And with the help of the airflow and different kinds of filters, the modular cleanroom can act as a controlled environment which requires the limited particles. It also has many advantages, such as easily to expand the size , reduce the size,  move to another place or refonfigure, as a result of these, the modular cleanrooms are widely used in many facilities to produce or text the products. And when you are going to redesign or rebuild the modular cleanroom, there are some details for you to take into account. Followings are the details.

First, if you want to expand the cleanroom, then just get some extra panels to add them to the cleanroom according to your design. Of course, you need more furniture, working spaces and materials to finish the expanding of the cleanroom. In addition, the larger space means more air in the cleanroom, so you may have to change your HVAC system and your powerful system to remain the cleanliness class.

Second, if you want to reduce the size of the cleanroom, you can remove away the unnecessary furniture or fixtures, and keep the essential pieces at the same time.

Third, if you want to reconfigure the cleanroom, then you just need to reconfigure the layout according to different projects, equipment and cleanliness classes. We even can rebuild the cleanroom into another shape with new paths within the space, and at the same time, the HVAC system should be changed too, so that it won’t block the airflow when you are rearranging furniture and other pieces.