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Details about the air quality index
As we know, air quality plays an important role in our health, it can tell us how clean or polluted the air is since it can be measured with the AQI which is short for air quality index. Air quality index is an index to show the percentage of pollutants in the air, we can understand how polluted the air is and the risks if we expose to the polluted air everyday with the help of air quality index. In this article, we are going to talk about the air quality index in details.

The air quality index can tell and predicts the quality of the air that we breathe in our city, in generally, it ranges from 1 to 10 to show us the air pollution situation. If the number is low and close to 1, then it will mean there is litter risk of the polluted air in our location, however, if the number is up to 10 or close to 10, that will mean the outside air quality is very poor and it is not good for us to stay outside for a long time.

Of course, different cities and countries have different scales for the air quality index. But the main premise is the same: the higher the number, the poorer air quality will be, at the same time, the health risk will be higher too which is not good for us.
Air quality index is very helpful for us since the air pollutant can damage our health once we expose to the air pollution for a long time. So we can change the outside plan according to the air quality index.