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Detailed notes on operating fine filtration equipment

Detailed notes on operating fine filtration equipment

The use of filter equipment is very much focused on standard operation, otherwise, it will affect the normal operation of the equipment and its performance.

I. First of all, before running the equipment do a thorough inspection of the instrumentation and auxiliary tools in it, if abnormalities are found must be repaired as a matter of priority time.


II. Only after the inspection is qualified can the relevant operation be carried out.


III. Before working, also check whether the grounding wire of the equipment is solid and safe, and confirm it before opening.


IV. Pay attention to the switch and other parts of the equipment to ensure its good sealing performance, especially pay attention to doing a good job of waterproof, leak-proof measures.


V. From time to time, the equipment should be checked, lubricated, and reinforced.


VI. Staff should wear correct labor protective equipment when operating, especially correct protective glasses to avoid the danger of liquid spills.


VII. The safety performance of low and medium-pressure valves should be given attention during operation.


VIII. The operation must be carried out by the operating procedures for safe use.