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Detailed information on the classification and functions of the air shower room series

Detailed information on the classification and functions of the air shower room series

The air shower room is a very special piece of equipment that helps us to solve many of the pollution problems that exist in clean areas, so it is important to look at the classification and function of the air shower room.

I. Classification of air shower room

1. Use: human air shower room, cargo shower room;

2. Blowing shower: single side blowing shower, double side blowing shower, top blowing shower;

3. Door selection: manual door, automatic door, fast rolling shutter door, etc.

II. Characteristics of the air shower room

1. Adopt the method of automatic control operation, two doors realize electronic interlock;

2. Infrared automatic induction blowing shower, blowing shower when the double doors closed;

3. Cold plate plastic spraying material, multi-layer acid washing technology plus electrostatic dust-free plastic spraying treatment, safe and reliable;

4. Parts have stainless steel handles, thickened stainless steel base plates, stainless steel nozzles, etc.;

5. Blowing time can be digitally displayed, time adjustable between 0 - 99s;

6. The wind speed of the whole blowing shower system can reach 25m/s - 32m/s, a super strong wind speed to ensure that the dust pollution attached to the personnel and goods entering the clean room is completely removed.

III. Parameters of the air shower room

1. Dimension: 1200×1000×2180(W×D×H);

2. Purification area size: 790×930×1910(W×D×H);

3. Purification efficiency: ≥0.5um≥99.99%;

4. Nozzle wind speed: ≥27m/s or more;

5. Air shower time: 0--99s adjustable;

6. Circulating air volume: 800--1000M3/h;

7. High power: 0.75KW;

8. High-efficiency filter size: 610×610×120;

9. Primary filter size: 600×300×21.