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Detailed explanation of air purification technology commonly used in clean operating rooms (Part 2)

Detailed explanation of air purification technology commonly used in clean operating rooms (Part 2)

In the previous article, we introduced the air purification technology of clean operating rooms, especially the application of air purification filters, which requires special attention, because we will continue to introduce this knowledge to you today!
1. Architectural requirements for clean operating rooms: The internal plane layout should conform to the application function and process, and the role should be clear, and the net height should be around 3m; the floor can be made of wear-resistant, abrasion-resistant, easy-to-clean, and anti-static materials; and all equipment materials must have the characteristics of sound insulation, fire prevention, impact resistance, and easy maintenance;
2. The net width of the door of the operating room cannot be less than 1.2m, and try to choose a sliding door that can be operated freely to reduce air turbulence;
3. The corners of the operating room The design of rounded or beveled corners should be adopted to avoid dust pollution, and it is also convenient to clean; clean operating rooms above level 1000 cannot have windows facing the outside;
4. The entire purification system must have at least three levels of filtration: the priority is set at the fresh air outlet, the second level is set at the positive section of the system, and the third level is set at the end of the air supply;
5. The physical method of air filtration can quickly and effectively remove all bacteria and dust that may be contained in the air;
6. The indoor room needs to maintain a gradient of positive pressure to ensure that the air flow direction and pressure distribution in different areas are reasonable to prevent external pollution from entering;
7. The indoor room should maintain a suitable temperature to reduce the amount of bacteria in the human body;
8. It can effectively remove waste gas and polluted gas to ensure that the indoor air is always fresh.
The above is all the air purification technology for clean operating rooms that we introduced to you. The most important one is the use of air purification equipment, which ensures the indoor air quality, reduces the bacterial content of the air, and ensures the normal progress of various tasks.