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Detailed analysis of the multi-purpose activated carbon filter

Detailed analysis of the multi-purpose activated carbon filter

I. Equipment terminology in detail

1. Adsorption capacity: for the gas to be filtered, the large capacity that can be adsorbed by a unit of activated carbon particles is called "adsorption capacity", and the adsorption capacity of different materials is also different;

2. Retention time: The longer the retention time, the better the adsorption effect and the fuller the adsorption;

3. service life: activated carbon materials can be used for a long period, brand new activated carbon materials will also be in use to reduce efficiency, when the concentration of harmful substances contained in the equipment is close to the allowable range, the service life of the equipment will also expire;

4. Selectivity: Generally speaking, gases with high molecular weight or boiling point in the air are easier to be adsorbed, while volatile organic gases are also easier to adsorb than inorganic small molecule gases, and chemisorption is more selective than physical adsorption ...... These different conditions are selective in their use.

II. Notes on the selection of equipment

1. The first thing to note when choosing is that several factors affect the adsorption efficiency of activated carbon, such as the type and concentration of pollutants, the temperature, pressure, and relative humidity of the airflow, etc;

2. In addition, the type of activated carbon should be determined according to the type and concentration of pollutants and the air volume to be treated;

3. The change in the concentration of pollutants before and after the filter can be tested to determine whether the activated carbon should be replaced;

4. In the process of use, if the resistance of the activated carbon remains unchanged, professionals should be asked to determine whether the service life of the equipment is due to expire according to the change in weight.

III. The principle of adsorption of the equipment

1. Generally speaking, activated carbon materials adsorb gases selectively, rather than filtering them mechanically;

As we all know, the surface of activated carbon contains a large number of micro-pores, and the total internal surface area of the micro-pores of the unit material we call "specific surface area", the larger the specific surface area, the better the adsorption effect;

3. When adsorption, we call the harmful gases in the air "adsorbent" and activated carbon is "adsorbent".

IV. Materials for equipment selection

1. Activated carbon materials can generally be divided into granular carbon, fiber carbon, etc;

2. The use of fiber-activated carbon is very, it is made of organic fibers containing carbon, characterized by small pore size, large adsorption capacity, and fast regeneration.