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Description of wind speed of air shower room

Description of wind speed of air shower room

Description of wind speed of air shower room

  The air shower room wind speed standard, according to the relevant norms is to > 18M / S, which is only the relevant norms of the clean room, not the air shower room of the national or industry standards. However according to the author's understanding of the industry manufacturers, this wind speed is on the low side, but the general customer can not accept it. Currently on the market, the vast majority of manufacturers of air shower room wind speed is above 20m / s, the normal standard is above 25m / s, part of the 28 or even 3025m / s above. The wind speed is not the bigger the better, but too small is certainly not, generally recommended for more than 25 m / s is better.

  According to industry rules, generally, some manufacturers to save costs, will reduce the number of fans and filters, such as double-side fans into single-side fans, or to lure customers to buy, not to increase the number of fans, power at the same time, simply increase the number of nozzles, so that the customer mistakenly think that the more nozzles the better the effect it is not. Generally, according to the current market conventional purification centrifugal fan, a single 0.55kw fan, equipped with 6-8 nozzles is good. 0.75kw fan can be equipped with 8-10 nozzles. This has been the upper limit. But the industry, especially some small enterprises, tends to use a single fan, also equipped with three sides of the wind, sometimes a small fan to drive 18 nozzles, such several configurations, the wind speed of the air shower room is certainly not up to the standard, and often customers will feel that the wind speed is too small and become a kind of furnishings after buying back.

  So it is recommended that customers in the purchase of an air shower room must pay attention to the configuration of the air shower room, one is to look at the number of fans, the second is to look at the number of high efficiency, the third look at the number of nozzle configuration, only the fan and the number of nozzles to match the number, to ensure that to achieve the effect of the wind speed is relatively good.