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Daily use of bag air filters

Daily use of bag air filters

When the pressure difference reaches about 0.6Mpa, the filter bag should be replaced in time to avoid the rupture of the bag and damage to the support network; open the upper cover of the filter machine correctly after filtration. (Warning: Please make sure not to open the lid when there is pressure inside the bag filter, otherwise the remaining liquid may spray out and cause liquid loss and injury to personnel)

Therefore please operate in the following strict order: close the input valve and close the output valve when there is pressure at the outlet.

After confirming that the pipeline to which the vent valve is connected has been connected to a safe place or to the suction port (especially when filtering toxic and corrosive liquids), open the vent valve to prevent injury and pollution to the staff and the surrounding environment, check the pressure gauge and make sure that the internal pressure is 0.

If there is a discharge valve, confirm that the discharge liquid is received at the recycling place, and open the discharge valve; when the remaining liquid in the F8 medium efficiency glass fiber bag filter is exhausted by the discharge valve, close the discharge valve, this discharge work can be completed with the pressurized way (please refer to the pressurized discharge process).

Unscrew the upper lid lifting cap, lift the upper lid, the multi-bag filter needs to be turned at a certain angle.

It is important to note that bag filters are made of fine fibers, which are less hydrophilic and the surface of the fibers will not be wetted by water, so as with other cartridges made of the same material, they should be wetted with another liquid with a lower surface tension before use. The correct installation of the medium efficiency bag filter is the prerequisite and basis for carrying out the use, so you should follow the correct way in the use.