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Daily maintenance of partitionless air filters

Daily maintenance of partitionless air filters

Platformless air filters play an important role in many fields. To ensure that they always maintain good performance, daily maintenance is essential. The following are the daily maintenance points for partitionless air filters:
I. Regular inspection
1. Appearance inspection
- Frequently check the appearance of the filter for damage, deformation, etc. If the filter frame is found to be damaged, it should be replaced in time to avoid affecting the filtering effect and the overall operation of the equipment.
- Check whether the filter's sealing strip is intact and the sealing performance is good. Damage to the sealing strip may cause unfiltered air to leak and reduce the filtering efficiency.
2. Pressure difference monitoring
- Install a pressure difference gauge to regularly monitor the pressure difference before and after the filter. When the pressure difference reaches a certain value, it means that the filter may be clogged and needs to be cleaned or replaced. Generally speaking, when the pressure difference exceeds twice the initial pressure difference, the filter should be considered for maintenance.
II. Cleaning and replacement
1. Cleaning timing
- Determine a reasonable cleaning cycle according to the use environment and filter load. If there is a lot of dust in the use environment or the filter load is large, the cleaning cycle should be shortened accordingly.
- When the resistance of the filter increases significantly and affects the normal operation of the ventilation system, it also needs to be cleaned in time.
2. Cleaning method
- For washable non-partitioned air filters, compressed air blowing, water washing, and other methods can be used for cleaning. However, be careful not to damage the structure and filter material of the filter during the cleaning process.
- When blowing with compressed air, blow in the opposite direction from the air outlet of the filter to blow off dust and other impurities. The blowing pressure should be moderate to avoid excessive pressure damaging the filter.
- When washing with water, use a neutral detergent and the water temperature should not be too high. After cleaning, dry it thoroughly to ensure that the filter is completely dry before installation and use.

3. Replacement standard
- When the filter has been washed many times, the filtration efficiency has dropped significantly, or there is irreparable damage, a new filter should be replaced in time.
- Generally speaking, the service life of a non-partitioned air filter is about 1 to 2 years, but the specific service life depends on the actual use.
3. Correct installation and storage
1. Installation requirements
- When installing the non-partition air filter, make sure that the installation position is correct and fixed firmly. The seal between the filter and the frame should be good to avoid air leakage.
- Install correctly according to the airflow direction of the filter. Generally speaking, there will be an arrow on the filter to indicate the airflow direction. When installing, make sure that the arrow points in the same direction as the actual airflow direction.
2. Storage precautions
- Unused non-partition air filters should be stored in a dry, ventilated, and clean environment, avoiding direct sunlight and moisture.
- When storing, be careful to prevent the filter from being damaged by squeezing, collision, etc. It is best to place the filter in a dedicated packaging box or shelf for proper storage.
In short, we need to take the daily maintenance of non-partition air filters seriously. Through regular inspection, cleaning, and replacement, as well as correct installation and storage, we can ensure that the filter always maintains good performance and provides a clean air environment for our production and life.