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Conditions for choosing indoor purification equipment and the requirements for grades

Conditions for choosing indoor purification equipment and the requirements for grades

The performance of the purification equipment is mainly determined by the output ratio of clean air, the greater the output ratio, the higher the efficiency of purification, if you want to make the indoor air quality reach a certain standard of cleanliness, the purification equipment we choose should have two necessary indicators: 

1. to ensure that the air in the room reaches a certain number of air changes, generally, the international regulations are 5 times;

2. The primary purification efficiency of the purification equipment must be relatively high.
If the indoor pollution source continues to release pollution, these two hard indicators can keep the pollutants at a low concentration.

The higher the purification efficiency, the better the effect on the air, and what we mean by high or low purification efficiency can be seen from which indicators?

1. solid particulate matter, also known as dust;

2. volatile organic compounds, usually using toluene as the test source;

3. formaldehyde.

After knowing these elements to determine the level of purification equipment, we need to choose according to the actual situation, so what specific matters need to be noted when choosing?

1. Purification efficiency: If you have a large room, you should choose purification equipment with a large unit of purification air volume.
For example, a 15 square meters room should choose a unit purification air volume of 120 cubic meters/hour purification equipment;

2. Filtration material: try to choose the material that can adsorb pollutants above 0.3 microns with a capacity of 99.9% or more, if the indoor smoke pollution is serious, you should choose the purification equipment with better dust removal effect, and so on;

3. service life: with the extension of the use cycle, the filter bile in the purification equipment will gradually tend to saturate the state, this time the adsorption capacity will naturally decline, so we should choose the cartridge with a regeneration function, to extend the service life of the equipment;

4. safety performance: this refers to the purification equipment needs to be tested by the authority of the safety, and promulgate the relevant certificates;

5. applicable performance: this point refers to the need to purify the type of pollutants to choose the appropriate purification equipment, or directly select the new air system that can achieve fresh air for processing.