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Commonly used dust particle detection methods for high efficiency filtration equipment are specified

Commonly used dust particle detection methods for high efficiency filtration equipment are specified

The main method is to use atmospheric dust as the dust source and particle counter in conjunction with each other to check the leakage of the high-efficiency filter,
as long as the fan is switched on and the clamp-on earth resistance tester is used at 25mm from the surface of the high-efficiency filter to scan and detect the dust particle counter,
the speed of the scan is between 5cm - 30cm/s and the detection of 0.5μm The number of particles must not exceed 3500 particles/m³.

1. The filter to be tested must have been measured for airflow and operate between 80% and 120% of the design airspeed.

2. The number of particles of atmospheric dust measured on the upwind side of the tested high-efficiency filter must be greater than or equal to 0.5μm particles, the concentration of which must be greater than or equal to 3.5×`10^4` particles/L.

3. If the filter is an ultra-high efficiency filter, the concentration of particles greater than or equal to 0.1 μm must be greater than or equal to 3.5 x `10^6` - 3.5 x `10^7` particles/L.

4. If the concentration on the upwind side does not meet the above requirements, then unfiltered air should be introduced, and the clamp-on earth resistance tester is not suitable for particle counter detection if it still fails to meet the requirements.

5. When leak detection, the sampling port should be placed at a distance of 2 - 3CM from the surface of the filter is inspected, moving at a speed of 5 - 20MM/S, and carefully scanning the entire section of the filter being inspected, the head rubber and the installation frame.