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Commonly used bacteria removal filter materials

Commonly used bacteria removal filter materials

1. Polyvinylidene fluoride

This is also a kind of precision filter material, with special heat resistance and chemical stability, sterilization, and sterilization effect is relatively good, used in the pharmaceutical industry in the production of sterile preparations and the filtration of water for injection and other occasions.

2. Polytetrafluoroethylene

PTFE, generally speaking, is also used for cartridge filtration equipment, and hydrophobic materials, its use is also quiet, with good heat resistance and chemical stability.

3. Mixed cellulose ester

This is often used to make round flat membranes, mainly for the precision filtration of liquids and gases.

4. Polyethersulfone

It is usually made into a folded form and can be used in cartridge filtration equipment. It is temperature and water-resistant and is used for high-precision solution filtration.

5. Polypropylene

It is also commonly known as PP material, which is usually made into a folded type and used in cartridge filters, characterized by its large pore size and hydrophilic nature, and is a coarse filtration material.