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Commonly used air purification technologies II

Commonly used air purification technologies II

I. Ozone purification technology
As we all know, ozone is a strong oxidant substance that can oxidize organic matter in the air directly into carbon dioxide and water, which can effectively remove organic matter and has a relatively obvious effect. However, to be effective, the concentration of ozone must be at least 0.1 PPM. When this concentration is reached, ozone emits a strong stench and can be harmful, even carcinogenic in severe cases.

As its use itself needs to be properly controlled, the scope of application is also very strict and it cannot be used in an inhabited environment; in addition, ozone has a bad effect on rubber products, paper, and other substances. Therefore the advice from experienced people is that it can be used in an unoccupied environment for short-term treatment of pollution in the whole space, suitable for pollution treatment in some engineering production, and must pay strict attention to the method of use, the oxidation time should not be too long.

II. Ultraviolet technology
This method mainly uses short-wave ultraviolet light, the wavelength is shorter so the energy is greater, and the effect of pollution control is more obvious. The only drawback is that it is not easy to use, as short-wave UV lamps can cause serious damage to the eyes and skin if exposed for long periods without protection, and can lead to eye or skin burns and even skin cancer in severe cases. Experienced people, therefore, advise that this method can be used after photocatalytic treatment, as needed, to enhance the effect of photocatalytic purification.

III. Air purifier
This device is characterized by a good purification effect on smoke and dust particles in the air in a small area and within a short period; the disadvantage is that the filters in it have a relatively short life cycle and need to be replaced regularly, at a relatively high cost.

IV. Photocatalytic technology
Photocatalytic technology is generally used in specific situations, through the irradiation of light to produce the oxidation capacity of super-strong hydroxyl radical elements, rapid degradation of toxic and harmful substances in the air, and killing microorganisms and bacteria.

This technology is characterized by the ease with which it can be used by simply using the light energy of the sun to decompose and purify the air of pollutants one by one, with a multifaceted, continuous, efficient, and safe purification effect that is harmless to humans. Because photocatalytic technology does not change during the reaction process and there is no loss, it can be used for a semi-long period and continues to contribute to the improvement of indoor air quality in the long term.