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Cleanroom inspection status

Cleanroom inspection status

The inspection of cleanrooms should clarify their occupancy status. Different states will result in different inspection results. According to the "Cleanroom Design Code" (GB 50073-2001), cleanroom inspection is divided into three states: empty, static, and dynamic.
(1) Empty state The facilities have been built, and all power is connected and running, but there are no production equipment, materials and personnel.
(2) Static The facilities have been built, the production equipment has been installed, and it is running in the state agreed by the owner and the supplier, but there are no production personnel.
(3) Dynamic The facilities are running in the specified state, with the specified personnel present and working under the agreed state. For the completion acceptance of cleanroom projects, my country's "Cleanroom Construction and Acceptance Code" (IG71-1990) stipulates that inspection and adjustment should be carried out in an empty or static state. This provision can more timely and objectively evaluate the quality of the project, and can also avoid disputes over the completion of the project due to the failure to achieve dynamic as scheduled.
In actual completion inspections, static is more common, and empty is rare. This is because some of the process equipment in the cleanroom must be in place in advance. Before the cleanliness test, the process equipment needs to be wiped carefully to avoid affecting the test data. The regulations in the "Clean Room Construction and Acceptance Specifications" (GB50591-2010) implemented on February 1, 201 are more specific: "16,12 The occupancy status of the clean room during inspection is divided as follows; the engineering adjustment test should be empty, the engineering acceptance inspection and daily routine inspection should be empty or static, and the use acceptance inspection and monitoring should be dynamic. When necessary, the inspection status can also be determined by negotiation between the builder (user) and the inspector. For the inspection status of the comprehensive performance evaluation, my country's "Clean Room Construction and Acceptance Specifications" (IG171-1990) stipulates that it should be determined by negotiation among the construction unit, design unit, and construction unit. This provision has a great impact on the clean room construction unit. The three parties are very fair. Through joint consultation, the inspection status that meets the product quality requirements is determined. If it is determined to be a dynamic inspection, the process equipment, personnel operating procedures, work clothes, etc. in the clean room should all meet the requirements of the clean room. These factors are beyond the control of the clean room construction unit. It often happens that the clean room that has passed the completion acceptance has a very poor inspection effect due to factors such as process equipment and personnel clothing that do not meet the requirements of the clean room, that is, the dynamic-static ratio is too large. It can be seen that the dynamic use effect of the clean room is related to many factors, which requires the joint efforts of the construction unit, design, and construction unit to build a truly qualified clean room to meet the user's requirements for the dynamic use of the clean room.