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Chemical filter unit: working principle and maintenance guide

Chemical filter unit: working principle and maintenance guide

In today's era of increasing requirements for air quality, chemical filter units are playing an increasingly important role.
1. Working principle of the chemical filter unit
Chemical filter units mainly purify the air through the synergistic effect of physical blocking and chemical absorption.
1. Physical blocking
- Primary filter: This is the first line of defense for air entering the chemical filter unit. It is made of coarse fiber material and can intercept larger particles of dust, hair, fiber, and other impurities to prevent these large particles from entering the subsequent filtration links, thereby protecting the service life of subsequent filters.
- Medium filter: After the primary filtration, the air will pass through the medium filter. The medium filter has a higher filtration accuracy and can capture smaller particles such as pollen and fine dust. It further purifies the air and provides a cleaner air environment for the chemical absorption link.
2. Chemical absorption
- When the physically filtered air enters the chemical absorption area, the adsorbent begins to work. These adsorbents are usually materials with specific chemical properties that can react chemically with harmful gases and pollutants in the air.
- For example, for some common harmful gases such as formaldehyde, benzene, sulfur dioxide, etc., adsorbents can convert them into harmless substances through chemical reactions such as adsorption, oxidation, and reduction. Some adsorbents may react chemically with formaldehyde to decompose it into water and carbon dioxide; sulfur dioxide may be converted into relatively stable and harmless substances such as sulfates through oxidation reactions.
2. Maintenance of chemical filter units
To ensure that the chemical filter unit always maintains a good purification effect, regular maintenance is essential.
1. Replacement of filters
- The primary filter and the medium filter will gradually accumulate dust and impurities as the use time increases. When the resistance increases to a certain extent, it needs to be replaced in time. Generally speaking, depending on the use environment, the primary filter may need to be replaced every few months, and the replacement cycle of the medium filter may be slightly longer, but it should not exceed half a year.
- When replacing the filter, choose a product with the same specifications as the original filter, and ensure that it is installed correctly and well sealed to prevent unfiltered air from leaking.
2. Inspection and replacement of adsorbents
- The adsorbent also has a certain service life. When the adsorbent is saturated, its purification effect will be significantly reduced. Therefore, it is necessary to check the status of the adsorbent regularly.
- You can judge whether the adsorbent needs to be replaced by observing the purification effect of the chemical filter unit and detecting the quality of the outlet air. Generally speaking, the replacement cycle of the adsorbent may be about half a year to a year, depending on the use environment and the concentration of air pollutants.
- When replacing the adsorbent, follow the requirements of the equipment manual to ensure the correct installation and activation of the adsorbent.
3. Equipment cleaning
- Regularly cleaning the shell, air duct, etc. of the chemical filter unit can prevent the accumulation of dust and impurities, and keep the appearance of the equipment neat and well-ventilated.
- Use a soft damp cloth to wipe the shell and avoid using corrosive detergents. For the inside of the air duct, you can use professional air duct cleaning tools to clean it or ask a professional cleaning company to perform maintenance.
4. Operation inspection
- Regularly check the operating status of the chemical filter unit, including whether the fan is running normally, whether there is abnormal noise and vibration, etc.
- Check whether the electrical system is normal, such as whether the power cord is loose, whether the switch is sensitive, etc. If any problems are found, repair or replace parts in time.
In short, the chemical filter unit provides us with a clean air environment through the working principle of physical blocking and chemical absorption. Regular maintenance, can ensure that the chemical filter unit always maintains good performance and protects our health and comfortable life.