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Characteristics of air filter equipment and criteria for use

Characteristics of air filter equipment and criteria for use

I. Criteria for the use of air filter equipment

1. Purification efficiency: If we need to purify the room the larger the unit purification area should be selected the larger the equipment;

2. Service life: choose the filter with a regeneration function, which can effectively extend the service life of the equipment;

3. Filter material selection: qualified filter material should be able to adsorb pollutants above 0.3 microns, and the efficiency of adsorption is up to 99.9% or more.

II. Features of air filter equipment

1. High efficiency and thorough

Equipment in the process of operation will produce a certain amount of ozone, in a relatively closed environment, the diffusion of uniform, with a good inclusive good, and can overcome many dead ends of ultraviolet sterilization technology, can do many aspects, fast, the efficient killing of bacteria and so on.

2. Easy to operate

We can determine the type of air filter equipment and the amount of ozone generated according to the area of the space to be treated and determine the time of sterilization through testing. The ozone output can be placed directly in the room to be treated or in the central air conditioning system during sterilization.

3. High cleanliness

After the application of this equipment, the remaining ozone can be decomposed into oxygen after a stoppage of about 30 minutes, which also improves the quality of the air and optimizes the working environment.

4. No adverse effects

It is well known that the concentration required for the inactivation of airborne bacteria by ozone is very low, generally only about 2 - 4 PPM, and only about 10 - 5 PPM for settling colonies on the surface of objects, and the whole process of sterilization is very short, so it does not pose a danger to the human body.

5. Economic and environmental protection

When the equipment is processed with air as raw material, the consumption of energy is low, the running cost is low, and the economic benefit is good.