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Brief description of the role of various filters in purification systems

Brief description of the role of various filters in purification systems

I. The role of different filtration equipment

1、Primary filter: This equipment is mainly used to remove pollution particles larger than 10 microns, applicable to the new air filtration system, to play a protective role for the whole system, the filter material used in the equipment can be cleaned and regenerated after use.

2、Medium efficiency filter: the equipment can remove 1 - 10 micron pollution particles, generally set in high-efficiency filtration equipment before, used to protect the high-efficiency equipment, the use of more is the bag type medium efficiency filter.

3、Sub-high efficiency filter: mainly used to remove pollution particles less than 5 microns, the filter material is usually made of glass fiber.

4、High-efficiency filter: equipment can remove pollution particles less than 1 micron, installed at the end of the purification system, that is, high-efficiency air supply, the filter material is mostly ultra-fine glass fiber paper, the effect of filtration in more than 99.97%, characterized by high efficiency and resistance.

II. Evaluation criteria of the equipment

1、Air volume: The air volume through the filter is commonly used for evaluation, the formula is: m3/h = filter cross-sectional air speed (m/s) × filter cross-sectional area (m2) × 3600.

2、Filtration efficiency: The percentage of the difference between the dust concentration N1 and N2 and the dust concentration of the air before and after the filtering equipment at the rated air volume is called the filtration power A.
It is more intuitive to use the penetration rate to evaluate the final effect of the filter, and the penetration rate K refers to the percentage of dust concentration in the air after and before filtration, and the K value clearly reflects the dust content of the air after filtration and also expresses the effect of filtration K value reflects the dust content of the filtered air and also expresses the effect of filtration.

3、Running resistance: When the air passes through the filter, the resistance encountered is also the running resistance, and this resistance will increase with the acceleration of the filter speed, and will also increase with the increase of dust capacity.
The resistance at the beginning of the use of the filter is called the initial resistance, when it reaches a large value is called the final resistance, generally the final resistance is two times the initial resistance.

4、Dust capacity: This refers to the amount of dust accumulated inside the filter when the final resistance is reached under the rated air volume.

The dust particles in the air often appear as carriers of bacteria, so we can also say that the more dust particles in the air also means that the more chances of contact with bacteria, so the more bacteria in the air, so you want to remove bacteria or mainly rely on effective air filtration.
And to reduce the concentration of dust in the air, we need the equipment to have sufficient ventilation and airflow in the room to be as even as possible, so that when the airflow flows towards the return air outlet, the dust in the air can be effectively taken away.