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Brief description of pocket filter equipment features and filtration methods

Brief description of pocket filter equipment features and filtration methods

I. Characteristics of pocket-type air filter

1、Filtration efficiency: 60~5um (colorimetric method);

2、Outer frame: aluminum alloy, galvanized frame, stainless steel;

3、Role: trap dust particles above 5um;

4、Filter material: non-woven fabric, glass fiber;

5, Large filtering area, large dust capacity, large air volume, long service life.

II. Application of pocket air filter

1、Purification system of the primary filtration device;

2、Front-end filtration device of air shower room;

3、Filtration of the return air outlet of the clean room;

4、The main filter of industrial ventilation and air conditioning system;

5, Automotive industry, food industry, chemical industry, and other fields.

III. Filtration methods of pocket air filter

1. Chemical method: the advantage of this method is that the cost is relatively low, the removal of a single pollutant is good, the shortcoming is that the removal is not complete, especially for some toxic and harmful substances; and the scope of use is limited.

2. Physical method: can effectively decompose the formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, and other toxic compounds released in the decoration materials, while covering the surface of the decoration materials can also inhibit the volatilization of toxic and harmful molecules.

3. Ozone method: belongs to a strong oxidation method, suitable for moderate, light air pollution, the big feature is not to produce any residue or secondary pollution hazards, the only thing to note is that when using this method, people need to stay away to avoid poisoning.

4. Bamboo charcoal method: bamboo charcoal is porous so it has a superb adsorption capacity, for decoration materials, paints, and adhesives released in formaldehyde, benzene, sulfur dioxide, and other harmful substances have a very good adsorption effect, in addition to the release of negative ions and beneficial minerals. It is characterized by low cost and no side effects, but the results are relatively slow.