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Benefits of air disinfection machines in different places

Benefits of air disinfection machines in different places

(I) Hospitals
As a special public place, hospitals have a large flow of people and patients carry various germs. Air disinfection machines play a vital role in hospitals. It can effectively control the secondary pollution caused by air flow between departments and wards, and reduce the secondary cross-infection between patients and accompanying personnel, and between patients and medical staff. According to statistics, the risk of cross-infection in hospitals can be reduced by more than 70% after using air disinfection machines. The air disinfection machine uses circulating air ultraviolet disinfection to filter out dust and microorganisms in the air by physical methods, and cooperates with high-intensity ultraviolet rays to disinfect the air, while effectively preventing dust from affecting the radiation intensity of ultraviolet lamps. The ultraviolet radiation intensity in the machine is as high as 10000uw/cm² or more, and during the working process, the ultraviolet leakage is less than 1uw/cm², and the ozone content in the working environment is less than 0.16mg/m³, which does not cause damage to people and equipment. In clinical applications, air disinfection is an important measure to prevent hospital infections. The use of air disinfection machines can effectively clean the air in the operating room, purify the surgical environment, reduce surgical infections, and improve the success rate of surgery. Applicable to air disinfection in operating rooms, treatment rooms, wards, and other spaces.
(II) Factory
In the production of food, cosmetics, medicines, etc., the requirements for air quality are extremely high. Air disinfection machines can prevent secondary contamination by bacteria in the air during production, cooling, filling, and inner packaging, and ensure product quality and safety. Taking food factories as an example, food safety is becoming more and more stringent now. Bacteria, molds, fungi, etc. in the air will directly affect food, causing food to be contaminated twice and quality not up to standard. The dynamic air disinfection machine developed by Shanghai Kangjiu Disinfection can coexist with humans and machines. After work, turn on the machine and inhale air containing bacteria into the machine. High-voltage pulse plasma can quickly kill bacteria in the air and turn the workshop into a "sterile and dust-free" environment. This technology is now also used by many food production companies in cooling, filling, packaging, and other links, controlling microorganisms in the air and preventing the problem of excessive total food colonies.
(III) Home
In the home environment, air disinfection machines are also indispensable. It prevents bad indoor air from adding extra burdens to the human immune system, causing physical exhaustion, reducing productivity and work efficiency, reducing immune system diseases induced by air pollution, and promoting human physical and mental health. There may be harmful substances after decoration, PM2.5, TVOC formaldehyde, and other pollutants in the home environment, as well as harmful bacteria and viruses such as dust mites, E. coli, and Legionella. Ordinary air purifiers can only filter particulate pollutants and cannot kill bacteria and viruses. Air disinfection machines can effectively remove harmful substances such as bacteria and viruses in the air, renew indoor air, and reduce indoor odors and pollutants such as formaldehyde. For example, the Airos air disinfection machine uses advanced technology to effectively kill bacteria and viruses in the air and protect the health of the family. It can effectively remove harmful substances such as smoke, dust, viruses, bacteria, etc. in the air, making the home air fresh and healthy.