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Basic requirements for the production of high efficiency filters(1)

Basic requirements for the production of high efficiency filters

I. Filter material

1. By filtration, its resistance must meet the performance requirements of the relevant filter in the standard.

2. The tensile strength should be determined according to the method specified in GB / T435. For filter paper with separator: longitudinal greater than or equal to 0.3KN / M, transverse greater than or equal to 0.2KN / M. For filter paper without separator: longitudinal greater than or equal to 0.7KN / M, transverse greater than or equal to 0.5KN / M.

The thickness should be measured in accordance with GB/T 451.3 and should not exceed 0.40mm. The filter material should be homogeneous and should not have lumps. There should be no cracks, scratches, pinholes, stains, etc. on the surface.

II. Frames 
The material used to manufacture the frame should have a certain strength and stiffness. The thickness of the material should be selected according to the material and the length of the sides to meet the requirements of strength and stiffness of the frame. When the following materials are used, they should comply with the relevant standards and appropriate anti-rust or anti-corrosion measures should be taken

1. cold-rolled steel sheets should be 1.0 mm-2 mm thick. formed and welded, galvanised, sprayed with plastic or subjected to other rust prevention measures. Materials conform to the requirements of GB/T 912 

2. aluminium alloy plate, the thickness should be 1.5mm to 2mm. the material should comply with the requirements of GB / T3880.I and GB / T 3880.2. 

3. Timber and plywood, the thickness shall be 1.5mm to 20mm. The corresponding anti-corrosion treatment, such as painting, should be applied according to the user's requirements. The material complies with the requirements of GB / T 5849 and GB / T 984fi. 3. 4. stainless steel sheets, which shall be 1.0 mm to 2 mm thick. the material shall comply with the requirements of GB / T 3280.