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Basic properties of the gel seal hepa filter

Basic properties of the gel seal hepa filter

The gel seal hepa filter mainly uses liquid tank sealant, which is blue and resembles jelly, also known as jelly gel, which is non-volatile, non-oil climbing, non-toxic and tasteless, and has good stability at room temperature.
This equipment is also one of the ideal terminal filters in industrial and biological clean rooms, and can also be used as a matching filter for other equipment, with excellent performance.

The liquid groove seal is a better method than the mechanical compression seal, so it is also very easy to install and has a high-sealing performance.

I. Characteristics of the equipment

1、Good sealing of the whole, with a good leak repair;

2、Very easy to install, high filtration efficiency, low running resistance, low running cost;

3、The equipment is usually widely used in clean rooms with high cleanliness requirements, laminar flow hoods, and HEPA high-efficiency filtration systems.

II. Parameters of the equipment

1、Frame material: aluminum profile material;

2、Sealant: polyurethane rubber material;

3、Separator: hot capacity glue, paper separator, aluminum separator, etc;

4、Filter material: glass fiber;

5、High temperature: 70°C;

6、High humidity: 100%;

7、Media: blue jelly glue.