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Basic knowledge of biological safety cabinets
Basic knowledge of biological safety cabinets
    Biological safety cabinets are common equipment used for shortcuts in laboratories. They protect workers and the environment through the joint action of filter membranes and fans. The mud membranes can capture toxic and harmful suspended particles and aerosols generated during the experiment, and the fans can Provide controlled sealing for biological safety cabinets to prevent particles and aerosol diffusion. With the continuous development of science and technology and the advancement of the times, safety cabinets have now been improved. The design of the back contamination area can protect samples and protect operations. For the personnel environment, biological safety cabinets can be divided into first-level biological safety cabinets, second-level biological safety cabinets, third-level biological safety cabinets, and first-level biological safety cabinets. They only protect workers and the environment but do not protect samples, so they are not used on many occasions. Very applicable, Class II biosafety cabinets protect both workers and the environment and sample airflow from operations into the cabinet, thereby protecting operators from filtered air emissions into the environment. Filtered downward airflow can protect samples, so many laboratories now use Class II biosafety cabinets.