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Are air showers affected by the quality of their components?

Are air showers affected by the quality of their components?

      Regarding the fan of the air shower room, the general use of partition filters, and small resistance to wind volume, the control circuit is generally an integrated control system, by the air shower room special control circuit, emergency stop manually starts the air shower time adjustment and other modules constitute the quality of some small parts of the air shower room, such as the door closer photoelectric sensors of the locks and so on.
      Air shower room design box access is relatively large, each manufacturer according to the design experience and cost positioning of the factory air shower products of the internal structure is also different, according to industry norms, the general need for static pressure box fan buffer cushion fan soft joints double or triple blowing, the need for conduit and other structures, as well as door frames and doors of the coordination of the degree of glass adhesive sealing and aesthetics, the latter part of the cleanup, etc.
     Air shower rooms, also known as air disinfection rooms, etc., mainly by the fan, high-efficiency filters, control circuits, boxes, and other major components, the price difference is basically due to the different parts of these differences and differences, with the increase in the degree of specialization of the industry, the air shower room technology is becoming more and more sophisticated, from the original manual air shower to the current fully automatic air shower, air shower speed from 18m / s to 26m / s of improvement.