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Application scenarios of gel seal HEPA filter

Application scenarios of gel seal HEPA filter

(I) Hospital
In the operating room and clean room of the hospital, the tank air filter plays a vital role. It can effectively remove bacteria, viruses, and tiny particles in the air, creating a clean environment for the smooth operation and the recovery of patients. For example, during complex heart surgery, even small particles in the air may cause infection risks. The tank air filter can filter out suspended particles larger than 0.3 microns in the air, with a filtration efficiency of up to 99.99%, greatly reducing the possibility of infection.
(II) Biopharmaceuticals
In the field of biopharmaceuticals, the tank air filter is a key piece of equipment that ensures the quality of drugs and the production environment. In the process of drug production, microorganisms and impurities in the air must be strictly controlled. The tank air filter can ensure that the air in the production area meets extremely high cleanliness standards. For example, in the vaccine production workshop, it can effectively filter out pollutants that may affect the quality of the vaccine and ensure the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine.
(III) Semiconductor
Semiconductor manufacturing has extremely high requirements for environmental cleanliness. Any tiny dust may cause chip short circuits or performance degradation. Liquid tank air filters can provide ultra-clean air for semiconductor production workshops. Their efficient filtering performance can remove particles as small as nanometers to ensure the smooth progress of chip production. For example, in the chip lithography process, liquid tank air filters can maintain air cleanliness and prevent dust from affecting lithography accuracy.