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Application scenarios of embedded pass box

Application scenarios of embedded pass box

(I) Microelectronics industry
The microelectronics industry has extremely high requirements for environmental cleanliness. Any tiny dust particles may have a serious impact on the performance of electronic products such as chips. The embedded pass box plays a key role in the field of microelectronics. It can ensure a clean environment, reduce the risk of pollution, and achieve safe delivery of small items. For example, in the chip manufacturing process, some small parts need to be transferred between different clean areas. The embedded pass box can effectively prevent the entry of external dust and impurities to ensure the production quality of the chip. According to statistics, in the microelectronics production workshop, the use of embedded pass boxes can reduce the product defect rate by about 30%.
(II) Laboratory field
The laboratory also has very high requirements for environmental cleanliness and safety. The embedded pass box provides a clean item delivery channel for the laboratory, ensuring the accuracy and safety of the experiment. In biological laboratories, some precious samples and reagents need to be transferred between different experimental areas. The embedded pass box can prevent the samples and reagents from being contaminated. In chemical laboratories, some dangerous chemicals also need to be transferred through transfer windows. The interlocking device and sealing performance of the embedded transfer window can effectively prevent chemical leakage and ensure the safety of laboratory personnel. It is understood that in some high-end laboratories, the utilization rate of embedded transfer windows is as high as more than 80%.
(III) Biopharmaceutical field
The biopharmaceutical field has extremely strict requirements for cleanliness. Any cross-contamination may lead to drug quality problems and even endanger the patient's life. The embedded transfer window can prevent cross-contamination in the biopharmaceutical field and meet the strict cleanliness requirements in the pharmaceutical process. In the drug production process, raw materials, intermediates, and finished products need to be transferred between different clean areas. The embedded transfer window can ensure that these items are not contaminated during the transfer process. For example, in a sterile drug production workshop, the embedded transfer window can effectively separate the clean area from the non-clean area to prevent the invasion of external microorganisms. At the same time, the embedded transfer window can also be equipped with ultraviolet sterilization lamps and other equipment to further improve the cleanliness of items.
(IV) Food processing industry
The food processing industry has strict requirements for the hygiene and safety of food. The embedded transfer window can ensure the hygiene and safety of food during the transfer process and reduce external pollution. In food processing workshops, raw materials, semi-finished products, and finished products need to be transferred between different processing areas. Embedded transfer windows can prevent food from being contaminated by external pollutants such as dust and bacteria. For example, in some high-end food processing plants, embedded transfer windows are widely used in the food transfer process, effectively improving the hygiene and safety level of food. According to statistics, the use of embedded transfer windows can reduce the contamination rate of food by about 50%.
(V) LCD and electronics factories
In the field of precision electronic manufacturing such as LCD and electronics factories, embedded transfer windows provide clean transfer conditions for precision electronic manufacturing and improve product quality. In the process of electronic manufacturing, some small electronic components need to be transferred between different production areas. Embedded transfer windows can prevent electronic components from being affected by factors such as dust and static electricity. For example, in the LCD production workshop, embedded transfer windows can effectively separate the clean area from the non-clean area to ensure the production quality of LCDs. At the same time, embedded transfer windows can also be equipped with anti-static devices and other equipment to further improve the safety of electronic components.