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Application of primary air filtration cotton

Application of primary air filtration cotton

Primary air filter cotton, also known as non-woven, air inlet cotton, or fan filter cotton, primary filter cotton is one of the air filter filtration materials, that can be processed into plate, folded, bag type, and other primary filters, the existence of the form is also divided into washable and disposable, the use of different nature is also different.

The primary air filter cotton is generally rated to be replaced once every 1-2 months under the use of wind, and if it is washed, note whether the surface of the filter cotton is broken, and wash it according to the washing method suggested by the manufacturer. It can also be made into plate filters, folding filters, bag filters, and other air filters, with a washable function after adding a waterproof treatment.


Where are air filters mainly used?

1, more commonly used in indoor air conditioning and HVAC systems, can effectively prevent the heat exchange system blockage phenomenon, extend the service life, and improve the efficiency of the role.

2, in the air suspension fan, for the more polluted ventilation equipment and air control system as a filter or primary filtration and design.

3, air filter cotton can be used in water treatment, cooling water in the generator industry, and sealing water filtration treatment, and can also be used as a side filter treatment.

4, to prevent the cooling water on the system blockage, air filter cotton is also used in the production industry cooling water treatment, which can play a role in the protection of production equipment.

5, to be used as high-pressure water in addition to phosphorus system impurities filtering equipment, mainly in steel manufacturing and other industries in the cooling water filtration used.


Primary air filter cotton mainly filters dust particles larger than 5μm, material high-performance, high-strength synthetic fiber incremental structure processed from, with high dust capacity and low resistance characteristics, flame retardant. Commonly used as the main filter media for primary filters. Filter cotton is commonly used in the home, commercial, and industrial clean room pre-filtration, the use of air filters to purify indoor air, the use of air filters will be airborne dust impurities and other particles through the filter, absorption, adsorption, decomposition methods to remove the effect of improving indoor air quality, which is a more direct and effective method.