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Application of different technologies of air equipment and selection considerations

Application of different technologies of air equipment and selection considerations

I. Types of air equipment

1, HEPA: This is a high-efficiency filtration technology, after layers of high-density filter cartridges to finally achieve the role of air purification, this technology is now more mature, but the need for regular replacement of cartridges to ensure normal operation, the use of higher costs.

2, electrostatic adsorption technology: this is a kind of particle pollution adsorption on the electric plate technology, it has the advantage of not having to replace the cartridge, and the cost is lower. But the purification process is relatively passive, and the ozone generated by electrostatic action is also very harmful to the human body if it exceeds the standard.

3, disinfection lamp technology: in our country, indoor air pollution is mainly formaldehyde, but if we want to have both formaldehyde and disinfection sterilization role of the equipment is very difficult, so in addition to the treatment of pollution, disinfection sterilization technology is also very important, which is the purpose of this technology came into being.

II. Notes for selection

1, the purification efficiency of the equipment: should be based on the size of the indoor area to choose the appropriate unit purification air volume equipment, for example, in a room of 15 square meters should choose the unit purification air volume in 120 cubic meters/hour of equipment;

2, the filter material: usually we require the filter material adsorption efficiency should be above 0.3 microns, and the adsorption rate should reach 99.9%; if the indoor smoke pollution is more serious, you can choose the equipment with dust removal effect;

3, the service life of the equipment: no matter what kind of equipment, as long as after a long time of use, the adsorption capacity will be reduced, so we can try to choose the equipment with a regeneration function, and after professional certification, quality assurance and long service life;

4, the safety of the equipment: this point needs to be tested and certified by the authorities to ensure that the equipment can be used safely;

5, the applicability of the equipment: according to the actual use of the situation and the need to purify the type of pollution to choose equipment, which is an important point.