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Analysis of precautions for the correct installation of air filters

Analysis of precautions for the correct installation of air filters

1. The installation, construction, and acceptance procedures of the entire air system should be by the current national standards.

2. The equipment should be placed in the direction marked on the outer packaging at the time of leaving the factory, in particular, to prevent violent vibrations and collisions during the transportation process.

3. When the equipment is delivered to the installation site, it should be stored in a tidy room and protected from moisture before unpacking.

4. The equipment to be installed should hold a product certificate of conformity, and the unpacking should be carried out in a tidy environment. The dust and dirt attached to the internal and external surfaces of the equipment should be wiped after the unpacking, and the installation should be carried out in time after the unpacking.

5. Before installation, the equipment should be checked one by one according to the packing list: see if there are any missing parts, whether the surface is damaged or rusted, and check whether the internal parts are firmly connected.

6. Under normal circumstances, the installation should be carried out after the construction of the building interior and purification system is completed, and the interior should be cleaned and wiped in many aspects.

7. The ground where the equipment is installed should be kept as flat as possible, and the equipment should be kept vertical on the longitudinal axis and horizontal on the horizontal axis after installation.

8. If it is installed in a clean room with a fan, then the vibration isolation layer between the equipment and the ground should be padded to protect the equipment.

9. If it is with mechanical chain or electrical chain equipment after installation and commissioning should ensure that the interlock is in a normal state.

10. Where there is a fan of equipment the installation should be completed after the fan test run test, the test run when the direction of rotation of the impeller must be by the standard, and the test run time by the relevant technical requirements of the equipment to decide, if there is no relevant provisions should not be less than 2 hours.