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Analysis of design specifications for air purification equipment used in cleanrooms

Analysis of design specifications for air purification equipment used in cleanrooms

I. Design of the system

The air purification system used in clean rooms can be divided into three forms: horizontal laminar flow, vertical laminar flow, and turbulent flow, the choice of which is generally based on convention, and also on the working parameters of the room.

II. Cleanliness and number of air changes in the room

The cleanliness of the clean room depends on the number of air changes per unit of time, so we need to carefully consider the nature of the work of the clean room, production process requirements, and other factors, and then decide on the technology used in the purification system.

III. Design of the structure

To ensure that the airflow in the room is not disturbed by the outside world, we must carry out a reasonable design of the structure, which can effectively prevent the accumulation of dust in any part of the room.

IV. Design of the scheme

In general, rooms with a large amount of dust should not be used in the form of ground air supply, and rooms with high cleanliness requirements should be kept as far away from other areas as possible.

V. Choice of materials

For example, the roof, walls, and floors of clean rooms must be made of materials that are not suitable for rupture, not easily contaminated with particles, and not dusty, and the chemical properties of the materials must be considered according to the working conditions of different clean rooms.

VI. Pressure and airflow

To maintain the cleanliness of the room and prevent outside pollution airflow from entering the room, the room must always maintain positive pressure, and to obtain the required pressure, it must be supplemented with appropriate fresh air.

VII. Choice of auxiliary equipment

If necessary, some auxiliary equipment can also be installed indoors, such as air indicators for new air outlets, transfer windows on partitions, etc. The choice of these devices should also be noted to meet the requirements of the room.

VIII. Control of people and things

Generally speaking, the big source of pollution in the clean room is people and things, which must be fully controlled, for example, before entering the clean area, all the people and goods should be filtered through the purification system, after replacing the dust-free clothes before entering.