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An introduction to the maintenance rules for air filtration equipment in clean rooms

An introduction to the maintenance rules for air filtration equipment in clean rooms

In order to guarantee that the air filter equipment in the clean room can always play a good role and save the trouble of replacement,
we need to pay strict attention to the protection of the equipment in the usual use,
so let's take a look at the maintenance rules for air filtration equipment!

1. Sealing: This equipment is designed with a structure in which the positive pressure contamination area is surrounded by a negative pressure area, so care must be taken to maintain its seal during use.

2. Generally, the wind speed of the equipment in the working area is measured every two months and if it does not meet the technical parameters, the supply voltage of the fan must be adjusted.

3. If the voltage of the fan in the equipment is set too high, but the wind speed in the working area still cannot reach the technical parameters, the high-efficiency filter equipment should be replaced, and after the replacement, the surrounding seal should be checked with a special dust particle counter to see if it is good.

4. In general, the fan in the equipment does not require any special maintenance, but it is recommended to carry out a regular check.


If the equipment cannot deliver better results, replacing the HEPA filter is a good solution, so what are the basic things to look out for when replacing the filter?

1. When replacing the filter, the machine should be stopped and the working area sterilized first.

2. When unpacking, handling, and installing the HEPA filter, the filter paper should be protected intact, and direct hand contact with the filter paper is prohibited.

3. When installing, the brand-new High-Efficiency Filter should be carefully checked for holes, etc.

4. When installing the filter, check that the arrow on the filter matches the direction of the air outlet.

5. Install the appliance with even force and keep the appliance stable to avoid deformation and leakage.

6. After replacement, use a special dust particle counter to check for leaks.