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Air shower material requirements and outlet wind speed of clean rooms in different industries

Air shower material requirements and outlet wind speed of clean rooms in different industries

     As a very commonly used purification equipment in clean rooms, air showers have a large usage rate and popularity. As the demand for air showers in various industries increases, air showers are generally required. Industries include the food industry, cosmetics production, electronics factory industry, hospital pharmaceuticals, precision optoelectronics, microelectronics, automotive spraying, aerospace, and other industries. They can see the application of air showers, which greatly help clean rooms to isolate some pollutants from entering. Cleanroom. However, different industries have different needs for the material requirements and thickness of the air shower room, and there are also clear regulations on the wind speed standards for the shower outlet. So, how to distinguish the qualitative and quantitative regulations on air shower materials and wind speeds in different industries?
    To reduce the large amount of dust particles caused by the entry and exit of people/goods, a fully functional air shower is installed at the entrance of the clean room. This can reduce the number of air pollution particles. When people/goods pass through the all-stainless steel air shower, the pollution The particles are isolated and filtered by the highly clean air that has been filtered with high efficiency. The high wind speed of the air shower room ensures that the effective spray and drift particles are filtered out through the primary and high-efficiency two-stage filters. Wind speed affects the efficiency of blowing and showering, and also affects whether the cleanliness meets the standard to a large extent.
    Based on relevant domestic and foreign standard requirements, GB 50073-2013 "Clean Factory Design Code" has clear requirements for the wind speed of the air shower room. According to this standard, the wind speed of the air shower room should not be less than 0.45 m/s. GB/T 19471.2-2004 "Industrial Clean Rooms Part 2: Specifications for Clean Room Equipment" also has regulations on the wind speed of air showers. According to relevant standards, the wind speed of the air shower room should be between 0.3-0.6 m/s. Generally speaking, the wind speed standard of air showers, according to relevant specifications, is >18m/s. According to the technological level of different domestic air shower manufacturers, most manufacturers can achieve it, and some of the better ones can Reach more than 25m/s, while Bailun air shower manufacturers can achieve a nozzle wind speed of ≥25m/s in conventional production, and the blowing duration is adjustable.
    Next, we provide reference standards for air shower materials and wind speed requirements based on different industries:
Air shower room for the automobile spraying industry:
    In this area, the air shower room is required to have a good blowing effect and the corrosion resistance of the material (especially for acid and alkali liquids). Therefore, the corresponding air shower material is also required to be relatively high. It is generally recommended to use cold rolling as a whole. The steel plate should be painted, or made of all stainless steel / sprayed on the outside and stainless steel on the inside, and the blowing wind speed is generally recommended to be greater than 25m/s;
Air shower room for the medical industry:
    As a medical institution, faced with the influence of different drugs for a long time, the material requirements of the equipment are waterproof, anti-corrosion (especially for acid and alkali liquids), disinfection and anti-bacterial, etc. As for the corresponding air shower material requirements, it is recommended to use all 304 materials as a whole. Made of stainless steel, it can resist corrosion and acid and alkali effects, and the wind speed of the nozzle is generally greater than 25m/s;
Air shower room for the food/cosmetics industry:
    Because it is food and cosmetics, the environment requires waterproofing, anti-corrosion (especially for acid and alkali liquids), disinfection and anti-bacteria, etc. The corresponding air shower room material requirements are made of pure 304 stainless steel, and the thickness is not less than 1.0mm according to actual conditions. , the wind speed is generally greater than 22m/s;
Air shower room for the aerospace industry:
     Due to the extremely complex environmental requirements of space, manufacturing aerospace equipment requires air showers to have a higher blowing effect and quality and safety to be more important. Therefore, the air shower material requirements are entirely made of 304 stainless steel, and the plates should generally be larger than 1.5 mm, the wind speed is generally greater than 25m/s;
Air shower room for optoelectronics and microelectronics industry:
    In the production environment of electronic equipment, dust particles often affect the stability of components. The production environment is required to have a higher blowing effect and be easy to clean. The corresponding air shower material requirements are made of integral cold-rolled steel plate paint or 304 stainless steel, and the wind speed is average. should be greater than 25m/s;
    The application of air shower rooms in the above industries is only a partial reference. When choosing an air shower room, you must understand its material clearly. Generally, the material thickness of the air shower room is not less than 1.0mm, so that it will not Deformation during transportation or use. However, due to market chaos, many air shower manufacturers, especially to compete maliciously and reduce production costs, make the plates 0.6-0.8mm, which often leads to worse use conditions, resulting in cleanliness and other effects on the clean room environment. Although it is not visible to the naked eye, you will find that it is easily deformed during subsequent use. As for the shower wind speed of the air shower, it is mainly related to the internal configuration of the air shower, such as the fan, primary filter, high-efficiency filter, etc. Some air showers have just been purchased and the wind speed can meet the requirements, but after a while After a while, the wind speed dropped significantly. This was due to the blockage of the filter, which caused the overall resistance to increase, thus affecting the wind speed at the air outlet.