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Air purification techniques commonly used in clean operating theatres are explained

Air purification techniques commonly used in clean operating theatres are explained

The use of air purification technology in medicine, especially to create highly clean spaces for surgical procedures, has reduced the rate of infection in surgery, so let's take a look at some basic definitions of this technology!

1, the so-called air purification technology refers to the use of physical methods, and effective removal of air pollution particles and other kinds of pollution so that the air within the space maintains a certain degree of cleanliness;

2, as the name implies, air cleanliness is the degree of clean air, this value is usually measured by the concentration of dust, dust concentration is high then cleanliness is low;

3, the cleanliness of the clean operating room can not be less than 100000 level;

4, the classification of air purification technology: usually by the chaotic flow type, horizontal laminar flow type, vertical laminar flow type these kinds of, and the current operating room using more the vertical laminar flow type;

5、For everyone to introduce different levels of the clean operating theatre in what kind of surgery.

Class I special clean operating theatres are usually used for joint replacement surgery, organ transplantation, brain surgery, surgery, ophthalmology, and other surgeries;

Class II standard clean operating theatres can be used for thoracic surgery, plastic surgery, urology, orthopedic surgery, etc;

Class III clean general surgery is generally used for general surgery, obstetrics, and gynecology;

Class Ⅳ standard clean operating theatre is used for surgery such as anal surgery.