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Air filter performance analysis

Air filter performance analysis

Primary air filters

This equipment is generally used in the primary filtration of air conditioning systems and can remove dust particles of 5μm or more, and is available in three different styles: plate, folded and bagged. The equipment is characterised by its low cost, light weight, versatility and compactness. The scope of application is mainly as follows

1、Pre-filtration of central air conditioning and ventilation systems;

2、Large air compressor pre-filtration;

3、Filtration of clean air return system;

4、Pre-filtration of local high-efficiency filtration device.

High temperature resistant air filter

The equipment adopts special stainless steel outer frame, which has the performance of high temperature resistance and can still be used in the environment of 250--300℃.

High efficiency air filter

This equipment is now mainly used in microelectronics, precision instruments, medical and health care, biological engineering, pharmaceutical and food industries, or in various clean rooms, high-efficiency air outlets, air shower rooms and other purification equipment is also applicable. The equipment is mainly made of ultra-fine glass fibre as the filter material, heat sol as the separator, aluminium profile as the outer frame and closed cell sponge as the sealing strip, refined through a strict process.

1、The role of the equipment: used to capture 0.1-0.5um fine particles;

2、Type: aluminium alloy outer frame, no partition form;

3、Filter material: ultra-fine glass fibre paper;