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A detailed explanation of the terminology used to describe clean rooms

A detailed explanation of the terminology used to describe clean rooms

1. The airlock room, which can also be called a buffer room, refers to a special space set up to maintain the cleanliness of the air in the clean room as well as positive pressure control.

2. Air shower room, also known as an air shower room, the main function is to blow away dust particles attached to the staff and incoming and outgoing items.

3. Airflow organization: refers to the airflow direction and uniformity by certain requirements for a reasonable organization.

4. Laminar flow: also called one-way flow, refers to the airflow with parallel flow lines, with a single path, a single direction through the clean area.

5. Chaotic flow: as opposed to the previous laminar flow, refers to a non-unidirectional flow, that is, an airflow with multiple pathways or airflow directions that are not parallel.

6. Aseptic method clean room: this is a clean space where suspended microorganisms in the air are managed according to the production requirements of asepsis.

7. Dust: very common in our lives, it refers to solid particles contained in the air with a particle size of ten microns or less in diameter.

8. Non-sterile preparation: This is a specialized preparation product that contains no more than a sanitary standard for the number of living organisms.

9. Sterilisation: as the name implies, this means bringing a clean area to a state of sterility.

10. Pure water: Pure water is the generic term for deionized water and distilled water.

11. Water for injection: water that meets the Chinese Pharmacopoeia specifications for water for injection.

12. Materials: refers to the raw materials, excipients, packaging materials, etc. needed in a clean space.